Category : ADHD

Too Sweet by Far (Squishy Business 2)

November is Diabetes Awareness Month, so it was very convenient for me to be diagnosed with type-2 diabetes at the end of October. (It was also for the best that I got my diagnosis before Hallowe’en instead of after. Trying to ask my doctor questions about the diagnosis with my mouth stuffed full of half-priced Reese’s peanut butter cups would have been a tad awkward.) (more…)

Better Be Good to Me

I get a lot of articles sent my way on tips, tricks, and apps people with ADHD can use to improve their lives and I’m getting a little tired and wary of them. How to manage your time better? How to focus better? How to be more productive? I feel like this line of thinking could often be called “improve other people’s lives by not having to deal with your neurodivergent brain as much.” (more…)


I woke up tired and cranky this morning. It wasn’t until I was halfway through my first cup of coffee that I started to feel awake and upbeat. This is a pretty typical morning for me. The thing is, I didn’t acquire a taste for coffee until after college, and this morning I found myself wondering how I made it through college without drinking coffee.

And then I thought, “I’m amazed I made it through college at all. How did I do that?” (more…)

Totally Wired

Yesterday was a special day in the US (although sadly not a national holiday, which it should be, along with Election Day). It was the last day to file your income taxes. It’s a pain to do, but as a fan of things like social welfare and infrastructure, I actually like paying my taxes. (To be fair, I like it better when I get a refund, but ANYWAY.) Every year I say I’m going to do my taxes early and not wait until the last minute. HA HA HA HA HA guess what I did this year? Yep, the same thing I did last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. (more…)

Year’s End Self-Diagnostic #2

Just like I did last year, I’m going to take a few moments to look back at how this year went, how I’m doing right now, and how I’m going forward.