Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2

For someone who talks as much as I do, and I’ve been told all my life that I talk a lot*, it’s funny how often I feel like I don’t have anything to write about. I mean, I have a lot of (vague, not-so-vague, super-incredibly-vague) story ideas, but one of the many things that stalls me from writing them start-to-finish is the nagging question “What exactly am I writing about? Do I really have anything to say?” When I write non-fiction pieces for this blog, I try to keep the post on-topic and not just ramble, and it isn’t often I feel like I have something important and specific to say that warrants a blog post.

But in real life, in person, I mostly just ramble and babble. Right now, I’m wondering why I’m okay with doing that in person (not that I can really help it, it’s just the way my brain and mouth work) but not in writing (where I can edit, rewrite, organize, and trim off all the things I don’t think are relevant–but do I absolutely HAVE TO do that?).

I’ve been wanting to publish on this blog more. It’s been nagging at me for at least the past six months. But then days and weeks go by where I don’t feel like I have anything worthwhile and organized to write about. Soooooo…maybe I’ll just babble more? I think it’s okay to do that. Considering it’s my blog and no one is being forced to read it. (If you’re currently being forced at gunpoint to read this blog, I’m sorry. Please read this next sentence aloud: “Dear captor forcing me to read this at gunpoint, you should put the gun down, walk away, and reconsider your life choices. Thank you.”) I’ve looked at my blog stats and I don’t get a lot of hits. This isn’t a bad thing, this is liberating.

Okay so yeah, more blogging about whatever, as well as the usual poetry and rare short story. For reals. (more…)


I woke up tired and cranky this morning. It wasn’t until I was halfway through my first cup of coffee that I started to feel awake and upbeat. This is a pretty typical morning for me. The thing is, I didn’t acquire a taste for coffee until after college, and this morning I found myself wondering how I made it through college without drinking coffee.

And then I thought, “I’m amazed I made it through college at all. How did I do that?” (more…)

Totally Wired

Yesterday was a special day in the US (although sadly not a national holiday, which it should be, along with Election Day). It was the last day to file your income taxes. It’s a pain to do, but as a fan of things like social welfare and infrastructure, I actually like paying my taxes. (To be fair, I like it better when I get a refund, but ANYWAY.) Every year I say I’m going to do my taxes early and not wait until the last minute. HA HA HA HA HA guess what I did this year? Yep, the same thing I did last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. (more…)


quake my bones before i’m too old
in that secret place that you
haunt like an owl
scent of perfumed dust & loneliness
holding back the sunlight

listen closely
i’ll only say this twice

i can be brighter than anything
when i’m not bored & alone
in that secret place that you
haunt like an owl

quake my bones before i’m too old
& don’t hold back the sunlight

A Crack in the Pavement

pretending everything is good
& it probably is
but thinking makes it no so
with our broken telescopes shattering
the carnival around & within

sometimes it’s all we’ve got

& hope