Category : life

Ace Awareness

Happy Ace Week! No, this isn’t about last night’s Doctor Who special, although I could talk about that for hours. This is about asexuality awareness. I’ve talked some online about how I started identifying as asexual last year, but I don’t think I’ve ever “officially” come out or really opened up about it publicly, and since I wish I’d seen more people (especially men) talk about it in the past, because maybe then it wouldn’t have taken me so long to start to figure things out, I’m going to talk about it here and now. (more…)

Pride and Prideability

Happy Pride Month!

Pride is a time when many people will publicly come out or reaffirm their queerness. This is that kind of post.


Tchau, 2020!

I’m trying to write something about how long and difficult 2020 has felt and how I’m doing my best to keep my eyes focused on just being here now while also looking at lights in the road ahead, better times coming. But the words aren’t doing what I’d like them to do, I keep erasing and starting over. Here’s one more try (hopefully the last try) to say this: (more…)

Excuse Me, Have We Met?, Part 2

There’s now more to the story from the other day when I ran into my apartment complex’s maintenance man outside my building. (more…)

Excuse Me, Have We Met?

Something strange happened yesterday and the strangeness only just hit me. (more…)